Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

And suddenly, you're my everything
Well shit, at least you tried
When I'm with you I feel like I'm a better person, I feel happier and less alone
I can't stop thinking about you
You're so much more to me than you think
I am in love with your smile, I am in love with your voice, I am in love with your body, I am in love with your laugh, I am in love with your eyes, I am in love with you

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

I'm sorry I cut myself and told you
I'm sorry I'm needy
I'm sorry I read too much into things
I'm sorry I latched onto you
I'm sorry I use up your time
I'm sorry I turn my back on everything
I'm sorry I can't think the right way
I'm sorry I need what you can't give
I'm sorry I'm so fucked up

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

I want to tell someone about what
I'm doing to myself so,fucking much
I hate feeling so alone in this
But then I look in the mirror,I stop
Because I'm too fat to have an eating disorder

Montag, 16. Januar 2012

Schreit ruhig weiter,
Aber bitte weckt mich nicht,
Wenn ich endlich schlafe

Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012

Oh lieber Tod,
Warum holst du mich nicht einfach?
Oh lieber Tod,bitte klopf doch an meine Tür und hol mich ab
Lieber Tod,du fehlst mir. Ich hätte dich gern bei mir
Oh lieber Tod,warum bist du nicht so lieb und erlöst mich?
Lieber Tod,ich wäre gern dein Freund

Freitag, 6. Januar 2012

The only way 
To deal with
Fucked up
People is to
Be more fucked 
Up than them

Montag, 2. Januar 2012

I need you
I need you
I fucking need you okay
It scares me
I'm scared
I'm scared 
I'm scared of..me. I am fucking scared of me
I am a fucking idiot,a damn fool
You are asleep now and your sure,steady breathing is the only thing that makes me feel safe,comforted. 
Don't ever go away,okay? You can't
I am fearful of how much I need you
I am afraid of my fear,I've never been this scared
I've never loved this deeply
You are the whole universe,you have my world. You've hidden it away,for safekeeping,but I can still feel your pulse there
You have me,okay?
I can hear your heart skipping and running to catch up to mine,I can hear it needing to be with mine
Why I am scared? Fuck,really I don't understand anything ever
I felt this way once before; The way our heart races when someone drops an ice cube down your back;that instant shock,fear, and absolute thrill
Do you know that the last time my heart raced like this I fell in love with you?
I told you I thought I was getting sick,you knew better
Please know this time
Please take my hand,place your fingers in between mine and take away this crippling fear.
Now, now,please now

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Denn selbst wenn du nicht mehr da wärst, 
Ich nicht mehr wüsste,wie du riechst und wie Liebe auf deiner Zunge schmeckte, 
Deine Umrisse würden immernoch meine Definition von Lieben und Leben formen